Water Damage Repair: Effects on Your Home & Belongings

Water Damage Repair: Effects on Your Home & Belongings

Water Damage Repair: Effects on Your Home & Belongings

Dealing with water damage of any kind can be a stressful and frustrating experience. Whether a pipe in your property has burst or your home has flooded, water damage of all kinds can have a devastating impact on your home and belongings.

Read on to discover how water damage can affect your home and personal property, as well as where you can go to get help.

What causes water damage?

Your home can experience water damage from a number of sources. Some of the major causes include:

  • Leaky dishwashers
  • Broken pipes
  • Overflowing washing machines
  • Roof leaks
  • Foundation cracks
  • Leaky windows and doors
  • Poor exterior siding
  • Faulty gutters
  • Floods
  • Sump pump failure

How can water damage affect my home and belongings?

Water damage can affect your health, home and belongings in a number of different ways:

The impact on people’s health 

Potential health risks can develop if water-damaged structures and/or contents are not dried out quickly and correctly. Mould can begin to grow within the first 24 to 48 hours after the flood and may be responsible for allergic reactions and other health problems. Some minor and common problems mould cause include:

  • Headaches
  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Chronic coughing
  • Joint pain/stiffness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Sinus congestion

If you have experienced water damage and taken care of all repairs, but still have a musty odour in your home, more than likely it is the result of mould.

Another thing to take into account is that a home or business exposed to floodwaters are susceptible to harmful bacteria and other microbes. If not treated correctly, toxins will linger on your affected furniture, carpets, and inside your HVAC system long after the water has dried. Those bacteria and microbes can cause serious respiratory issues and other health issues.

Black water contamination

Another potential effect that can occur from water damage is the contamination of black water. Black water is the worst type of water that can enter your home because it can contain pathogens that can cause serious illness if ingested. Floodwater often includes contaminants that would endanger people’s lives – a common contaminant that mixes with floodwater is sewage. Sewage or contaminated water includes many serious diseases, such as cholera, typhoid, and dysentery.

Structural damage to buildings

The safety and security of the home or business premises can become compromised by water damage. Structural damage occurs depending on the amount of water surrounding the affected area. Drywall begins to deteriorate and the subfloor can easily warp or even split, meaning you’ll end up replacing and restoring the affected areas. Even solid materials that foundations are made of, whether masonry, concrete or stone, can soak up small amounts of water through their cracks and pores. Unless these pockets of water are removed, they can create defects in the building foundation that eventually weaken the entire structure. This means windows and doors may become weak and function improperly.

Electrical damage

Water can cause damage to your electrical system, resulting in total loss of power or damage to the wiring. Once electrical systems are damaged by moisture, wiring, outlets, and electrical boxes become unsafe to use until they’re professionally inspected. Electrical water damage usually occurs to kitchen appliances, washing machines, dryers, hot water tanks, furnaces, and low mounted electrical outlets. Damaged wiring can cause power surges which can damage any appliances that are plugged in.

Property devaluation

The signs of water damage are difficult to hide. If you’re planning on putting your house on the market, you’ll need to make sure any indication of damage is as minimal as possible. Water damage restoration is an effective way to manage this.

Insect infestations

Insects love moisture and water damaged areas of your home create the perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes, beetles, fleas, ticks, spiders and more. The hatching eggs and dying bugs will attract even more insects to the area – this is why bacteria is known as one of the worst effects of water damage in your home.

Damage to fixtures, fittings and personal items

Excessive water can cause: rusting in metals, corrosion in electronic components, cracking, splitting or warping of furniture items, colour bleeding or transfer in fabrics, furniture stains and secondary damage to upholstery, drapery, clothing, wallpaper, photos and papers. Many personal items, therefore, risk becoming destroyed. However, if you act quickly and call in a water damage expert, you may be able to reverse this negative effect of water damage and save many of your personal items.

What should I do about replacing damaged items?

It’s worth determining whether you have any salvageable items that can be recovered. However, this can be difficult with porous materials that include carpet, insulation, fabric, and similar items. If they’ve been soaked in water, you may have to cut them out and throw them away. Water will permanently damage most porous materials by shrinking or warping them, and mildew will damage them even further. If you have a beloved piece of furniture you want to save, you could try isolating and drying it out, but the damage may already be done, especially if you see drywall water damage. Note that unsealed cement, drywall, and wood are also porous materials.

What can I do about water damage restoration?

Water damage restoration seeks to minimise the effects of water damage:

Water Removal

The first process involved in restoring your property or building back to the pre-flood condition is water removal. This is often achieved by using industrial pumps or vacuums. This step is crucial when it comes to preventing further damage and mould growth.


As soon as all the water has been removed, it is then time for the building and structure to be dried out. Again, specialist equipment is used to achieve this such as air movers, fans and dehumidifiers. This equipment is effective because it means that you’re able to evaporate the moisture from the area. Considering that this process uses a lot of high-end equipment, it’s important that you don’t try and complete this process yourself. Without the necessary equipment and knowledge, then there is always the danger of making the damage even worse.

Cleaning and Sanitisation

Once the drying process has been achieved, all of the surfaces need to be cleaned and sanitised. The reason that this process is so important is that it prevents mould growth. Not only that, but the water can impact the content of your buildings such as appliances, furniture and personal possessions. Enlisting the help of water damage professionals gives you peace of mind that your property or building has been properly cleaned and disinfected.


The final stage of flood damage restoration is restoring your property back to its former condition. Depending on the severity of the damage, this might include replacing drywall panels, plastering damaged surfaces or painting walls. It’s important to note that this whole process can take a few months to complete if the damage is severe, therefore you should think about waiting before starting to redecorate. To avoid this from happening in the future, it’s recommended that you improve your water drainage system, storing valuable items in waterproof conditions and elevating your appliances and electronics to keep them away from water.

Where to go for a water damage repair quote

Submitting a claim can be stressful when dealing with water damage in your home, especially if it is severe. If you need support and security in this situation, Water Damage Repairs are here for you.

We understand how difficult and confusing this process may be, which is why we will act on your behalf to settle your insurance claim successfully. Our specialist team will liaise with your insurance provider, obtain builders’ repair quotes and deal with water damage restoration, reporting back to you every step of the way. From ceiling repair water damage to burst pipe repair, we’ve got you covered. If you need help making a claim, have water damage you can’t trace, or simply need someone to take care of it all, then don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today.

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